Ebenezer Sibly “A Key to Physic and the Occult”—Full Colour Limited Edition Hardcover


The key that unlocks a treasury of knowledge of the world around us and the mysteries hidden from view

Now you can own one of the most important, most beautiful and rarest books in the history of scientific and occult studies. Ebenezer Sibly’s A Key to Physic and the Occult Sciences (1814) has been out of print for 200 years, but Shoreham House is proud to present, for the first time, a glorious new deluxe hardcover edition of the original book in full color facsimile.

In advance of publication, we are offering, available immediately, a limited edition of 250 numbered copies in the book’s original size and format (8.5″ x 11″). This is an exact copy of the 1814 edition, meticulously scanned, lavishly illustrated with plates and diagrams, many in color. This is a book you will love to hold in your hands and share with your friends.

A Key to Physic and the Occult Sciences provides a finely detailed glorious full color case bound hardcover reproduction of a rare 200-year-old book, lavishly illustrated with copper-plate engravings. It’s a fascinating and comprehensive journey through the extent of human knowledge, guided by one of the founding philosophers of the modern occult movement. Sibly’s book represents the state of Western culture, scientific and occult, as of the end of the 18th century, including many astounding insights that are “forgotten knowledge” today. Sibly’s scope includes medicine, healing, herbalism, astrology, horoscopes, mysticism, mesmerism, hypnosis, biology, botany and electrical therapy. His philosophy provides a comprehensive understanding of the universe based on earlier hermetic works brought up-to-date with Enlightenment era scientific discoveries.

40 years in the making

Copies of this book are nearly impossible to find. It’s even more rare with the hand-tinted plates. We obtained one over 40 years ago from an antiquarian bookseller and have meticulously preserved it in anticipation of creating this facsimile edition. Only in recent years has technology developed to the point where we can offer an affordable edition of this masterpiece. We have individually scanned every page and assembled them into this deluxe hardcover book which exactly duplicates our copy, including minor age spots and wrinkles.

This is a book you will find compelling to read. Its importance is confirmed by the 2012 publication by Cambridge University Press in a black & white paperback edition. Ours is a beautiful hardcover full-color exact facsimile, the only color version now in print. It includes 13 full-page color illustrations, revealing the hand-colored tints of the original engravings. You will be proud to own and to show this to your friends. More than just a book, this is a profoundly beautiful object and a collector’s item. We are offering this limited edition with a no-questions-asked seven-day guarantee. Return it to us within 30 days of receipt and we will refund your purchase.

Sibly, E., A Key to Physic and the Occult Sciences, 2020 Numbered limited edition of 250 copies. 430 pp, 13 full-page illustrations (6 in color), plus other tables and diagrams. Casewrap hardcover 8.5″ x 11″. All pages in full color facsimile of the 1814 edition.

12 in stock (can be backordered)

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Index to the 1814 edition of Ebenezer Sibly’s Key to Physic and the Occult Sciences 

Air, as contributing to the health or disease of the human body, 163; various kinds, 168. 

Anemone, 57, 58. 

Anger, various effects of, 183. 

Angina pectoris, an uncommon disorder, 227.  

Animalcula insuforia, 70. 

Animalcules, various kinds, 62; the cause of many diseases, 76; particularly of bad teeth and offensive breath 78. 

Animal flowers, 56; clustered, 57; The Barbadoes,59.  

Animal magnetism, 257; Dr. Bell’s process, 258; arguments to prove that animal magnetism is the cause of sympathy in man and other animals, and even in plants, 276. 

Animals, can exist without air, 74. 

Atoms, nature of, 23; properties, magnitude, weight, and motion of, 24. 

Bell flower animalcule, or plumed polypus, 66. 

Brutes, an enquiry into the nature of, 49; curious instances of friendship among brutes of different species, 91; Bougeant’s curious hypothesis, 104. 

Cantharides, their effects on the body, 349. 

Conception, progress of and growth of the fetus, illustrated with curious plates, 311. Remarkable conceptions owing to the conflict of the male and female procreative influences 332. 

Crisis, or critical turn, of a disease, 376. 

Diseases, divided into hereditary and accidental, 289; at what time are hereditary diseases communicated to the fetus, 308; diseases, feminine or lunar, 321; masculine, or solar, 338; Hippocrates’s instructions for the cure of slight diseases, 381. 

Eels in paste, 63.  

Electricity, medical, 241; curious experiments, 246. 

Exercise, as conducive to health, 167.  

Fear, extraordinary effects of, 183. 

First matter, explained, 22. 

Fixed air, as a medicine, 239. 

Flowers, their remarkable properties, 57.  

Foetus, how nourished in the womb, 313; its growth, and the disorders occasioned thereby 313, 314, &c. 

Food, its nature and qualities, 158.  

Fox, sagacity of, &c. 117.  

France, king and queen of, their nativities examined, 392,  

Generation, occult properties of, in plants and herbs, 39.  

Globe-animal, various kinds, 67, 352. 

God, his existence clearly pointed out, 4. 

Grief, a destructive passion, 194.  

Hair-like insect, 62.  

Hare, account of the, 113. habit, 359. 

Health, rules for preserving, 233-139. 

Heaven, enquiries into the nature and situation of, 7.  

Hunter, Mr. curious experiments made by him, 338, 

Hydrophobia, 221, 326. 365. 

Jackall, vulgarly called the lion’s provider, 122. 

Impotency, sometimes occasioned by fear, 189 causes of it, 191 cure, 194. 

Impregnation, the process of, 290. 

Insect with net-like arms, 69. 

Instinct distinguished from reason, 81, 82;  curious instances of in various animals, 82-113; bees,111; caterpillars, and wasps, 84; a cat, 85; crows, 85, 91; cuckows, 86; horses, 91, 97; ravens, 92; elephants, with some uncommon anecdotes, 93; dogs, 99,; the land-crab, 109. 

Intemperance, destructive effects of, 181.  

Longevity, remarkable instances of, 144; causes of, 147 &c. 

Love, its foundation and effects, 195.  

Lunar Table, pointing out the various turns of a disease, 380 explained by the nativities and decumbitures of Charles Thomas and Dr. Till Adams, &c. 382, &c. farther explained by a decumbiture only, 389. 

Lunar Tincture, its action on female constitutions, with cases annexed in proof of its efficacy, in irregularity of the menses, • 323; green sickness, 324; stuor albus, 327; barrenness, recommended to all married women, 335; and to women at the turn of life, 336; case of tainted habit in a state of pregnancy relieved by this medicine, 360. 

Man considered in his various relations, 122; varieties of the human species, as enumerated by Linnaeus, 126; how arranged by Dr. Gmelin, 126, &c. how differing from brutes, 127; natural history of man, 129; considerations on the indispositions and diseases of, 280; formed originally perfect and capable of propagating from his own essence, 285; separation of the male and curious female essences in the formation of Eve, 286; man’s fall, 287;  thence became subject to disease and death, 289. 

Melancholy enquiry into the causes of, 204 

Mole, or false conception, 315. 

Monsters, 127. 

Nature, definition of it, 9; its properties, visible and occult, explained, 13. 

Nutrition in the animal economy, 155. 

Oesophagus, a dangerous affection of, 232. 

Passions of the mind, 183-205. 

Perspiration, insensible, a medium whereby bad humours are carried off, 346. 

Pipe-animal, 68. 

Polyp us, 56, 60. 

Pregnancy, diseases attendant on, 332. 

Prognostics of diseases, 205. 

Proteus, a curious animalcule, 64. 

Puberty, the changes it produces in the human system, 301 . 

Quickening, action of, described, 342. 

Rabbit, great fecundity of, 115. 

Salivation, accidental, a curious case, 161. 

Scent, 112-122. 

Scropula, its progress in undermining the human frame, 350. 

Sea-anemone, 58. Sea-carnation, 59. 

Sleep, a due regulation of, 172. 

Solar and Lunar Tincture, two medicines invented by the author, 317.  

Solar Tincture, its action on the blood, 350; instructions for its use in the scurvy and king’s evil, 352; with a remarkable case, 353; relaxed habit, ibid.; weak nerves, 356; nocturnal emissions, or incontinence of the semen, 357; onanism, 358; tainted habit, 359; tabes dorsalis, or consumption of the back, 362; rheumatic gout, 363; spasms, cholic, and bloody flux, 364; diseases of the breast and lungs, asthma, dropsy, and consumption of the back, 362; mental depressions, ibid., bile on the stomach, 366; bite of a mad dog, &c. 365; gun-shot wounds, cuts, stabs, &c. 369; cases of apparently sudden death, 371. 

Spermatic animals, 69, 72, &c. 

Stag, his sagacity in avoiding the hunters, 117.  

Sympathy and antipathy in natural bodies, 29, 279; in brutes, 49, 277; operates very powerfully on females in a state of pregnancy, 334. 

Sulphur, extraordinary virtues of, 33, 34. 

Teeth, how to cleanse and preserve, 78; other remarks on them, 80. 

Turn of life in women, the danger attending this period, and cautions to be observed, 3.36. 

Valetudinarians, advice to, 233. 

Water-cresses, disorders caused by, 7. 

Wheel animal, or vorticella, 65. 

Wolf, natural history of, 118. 

Worm, aquatic, 69. 


Additional information

Weight 32 oz
Dimensions 10 × 13 × 2 in


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