
Your backstage pass to the Oscars, the Grammys and Hollywood’s biggest blockbuster movies: Photos, Stories and Insights “from one who knows.”—Ian McKellen

“The author’s stream-of-consciousness writing style offers an engaging read, and the text is accompanied by a high-resolution online photo gallery of snapshots taken by the author of Hollywood stars.” “√ Get it!”—Kirkus Reviews

Illustrations for the memoir For Entertainment Only by Keith Stern

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“I stayed behind after everyone left except Peter Jackson and Zane, the UPM who juggled reels for the director to review shot after shot of flames big and small against a black background, looking for just the right fiery effects for the Balrog. I left after about an hour of that! A director’s work is not all glamor, sunglasses, cigarette holders, ascots and funny hats.”

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